From A to Z, Twenty-Six Funny, Weird, Vivid French Expressions




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Literally: the ball at zero

Best equivalent: shaved head


In popular French la boule designates the head. Maybe soccer fans remember the French soccer star Zidane’s infamous “coup de boule” that earned him a red card.

Back to the expression du jour: A shaved  head with no hair left can be described as having la boule à zéro.


While doing this 2018 challenge I gathered so many expressions that I can already promise to be back next year for another round of 26 funny, weird, vivid French expressions.


Meanwhile I want to thank each and every one of you SO, SO MUCH for sticking with me as I plowed my way from A to Z through the alphabet!


  1. Nature is gradually bringing me closer to the ball at zero – this might come in handy.

    Good job on the challenge, Evelyne. I have enjoyed these and I’m already looking forard to next year.

  2. It’s been a pleasure to follow along 😀 Congratulations on getting it all in!

  3. What fun this has been! An American equivalent is “cue ball” or “billiard ball” for a bald or shaved head.

    • Billiard ball! I knew this one 🙂
      Thank you for your visits and suggesting quite a few equivalents, Mariana. I really appreciate your playing the game.

  4. hilarymb says:

    Hi Evelyne – sadly I’m going in that direction too – I thought you were going to go towards a zero boule score …not sure if that’s possible. Now if only we could borrow or adopt your accent!! Cheers Hilary

  5. Thanks for the brief French lessons, and congratulations on finishing the Challenge!

    • Since learning French is pretty complex I opted for short 🙂
      Thank you so much for stopping by and encouraging me. I’ve not been so good at following bloggers this month.

  6. This is a perfect finale to your fabulous a to z line up. I love your posts – I always learn something new!

  7. Behind the Story says:

    A successful month. We all had fun.